Tuesday, November 19, 2013


When I think about what a dream is, the first thing that comes to my mind it’s a Freud book, called “The Interpretation of Dreams”. In this book he said, basically, that dreams are the representation of a desire, and sometimes an unconscious desire. So, for me, dreams are actually a kind of message sent from our unconscious, but they are so hard to explain, and you need to study them a lot to understand what they are really trying to say. The principal obstacle when you want to do this is that you can’t remember what your dream is about. In my case, I remembered just a few, and when this happened, I try to write them, with all the details I can recall. Then, I try to understand them, but I think I’ll never sure if I do it right.

But when I think about dreams, I must include the daydreams, and, if you asked me, I have a lot of that ones. And I think we all need them, because they give meaning to our lives, and to what we do every day. So I hope you all have daydreams, and I hope you try to make they comes true :)  


  1. Is true that the principal obstacle to interpret dreams is remember them !! I have a really bad memory ! jaja

  2. I think that The Interpretation of Dreams is a very interesting book....I want to read it with more time....
