Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

I admire Stanley Milgram. He was born on 1933 to a Jewish family in New york city. His father was Hungarian and his mother, Romanian. In 1954, Milgram received his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from Queens College, New York. He applied to a Ph. D. program in social psychology at Harvard University and was initially rejected due to an insufficient background in psychology (he had not taken one undergraduate course in psychology while attending Queens College). He was eventually accepted to Harvard in 1954. He die on 1984, because a heart failure.He was made a lot of interesting experiments, but there is two that I think are the most importants: Small World Phenomenon, also known as the six degrees of separation; and the controversial Milgram's Experiment 18: A Peer Administers Shocks. What I like about him is that he was a very innonative man and he provided a lot of new ideas to the psychology. Currently some of his methods aren’t ethically accepted, but we can’t deny how important the information he give us is, and how all his work allows a better understanding of human beings.


  1. I didn't hear about him! So intenresting your post.

  2. Well of course there always are ethical implications, but there`s knowledge which invite us to dare it. I guess that`s risky but admirable.

  3. i dont hear abot him but i found it very interesting .... congratulations

  4. i do`nt know him...jajajaj but sound interesting!!
